JEE Advanced-2021
JEE Advanced-2021 exam dates to be announced soon.
Exam Mode: | Online |
Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced will be conducted in the month of May 2021 for admission to NITs, IIITs and CFTIs participating though Central Seat Allocation Board.
- For detailed syllabus, refer to https://jeeadv.ac.in
There is no age limit for the candidates.
- The candidates who have passed XII standard examination in 2019, 2020 or appearing in 2021 irrespective of their age can appear in JEE (Main) Examination 2021.
- Candidates who passed Class 12th/Qualifying examination in 2016 or before as well as those who will appear in such examination in 2020 or later are not eligible to appear in JEE (Main)– 2019.
- Candidates must have taken at least five subjects in class 12th/qualifying examination in order to be eligible for writing JEE (Main)-2021. The candidates who have taken four subjects are not permitted to write JEE (Main)-2021 and if such candidates appear in JEE (Main)-2021 by furnishing wrong information, their rank/result will not be declared.
Mode of Examination:
- Paper-1 (B.E. /B. Tech.) in “Computer Based Test (CBT)” mode only.
- Paper-2 (B. Arch/ B.Planning)
Candidates may take Paper-1 (B. E. /B. Tech.), or Paper-2 (B. Arch. /B.Planning.), or both as per the course(s) they are seeking admission to.
The medium of Question Paper shall be in English, Hindi and Gujarat